The New York Times reports Bill Clinton is fading as a political superstar during this campaign.

The Times reports:

At an event in Las Vegas last week, Mr. Clinton, 69, looked smaller and his voice seemed weaker than in past campaigns, and people had to strain to hear him at times.

He was at his best as he finessed the intricacies of politics and policy, but he occasionally meandered, leaving the audience, including some who had lined up for hours to see him, seeming more politely attentive than inspired.

At a critical moment when the former president is again answering the call to try to energize his wife’s campaign, even some of Mr. Clinton’s admirers are wondering if he has lost some of that old Clinton magic.

Breitbart News and other media outlets noticed Bill Clinton’s sluggishness on the trail earlier this month. We reported that a Clinton speech in New Hampshire “hammer[ed] GOP candidates in the slow, digressive, long-winded rhetorical style that has marked most of his recent speeches.”

Even The Washington Post wondered if Bill Clinton is an “asset” or a “liability” to Hillary’s campaign.

Bill Clinton is in Iowa Friday stumping for his wife, who is also in the state. He recently spoke in New Hampshire, where he attacked Bernie Sanders in front of a tiny crowd of about 100 people.