Despite some viewing last night’s Fox debate as possibly skewed against his son Ted, the Senator’s Father, Rafael Cruz opted to not play the victim card and tout it as proof of his son’s success.

Speaking to Breitbart News daily host Stephen K. Bannon, said Cruz, “The attacks were expected. If Ted was not having an impact, nobody would care. … That goes with the territory. If you are in the game, you have to play it.”

The senior Cruz echoed his comments from yesterday in making the case for his son Ted as the best possible choice for Republicans this year.

“We have been burned way too many times by politicians that say one thing and then do something else,” said Cruz, adding, ” I mention one simple thing in my book and that is, stop listening to their rhetoric and start looking at their record.”

Cruz also highlighted the importance of appointing justices to the Supreme Court, pointing out there could be three or four openings to be filled by the next president: “We are one justice away from the Supreme Court going totally amok. So, we need to make sure we are going to elect a man of character.”

Both Ted Cruz and his Father have robust schedules planned from now through the beginning of voting in Iowa. The Senator has vowed to visit all 99 Iowa counties before he is done.

A list of his events can be found here on his campaign website.

The entire Breitbart News daily interview with Rafael Cruz can be heard below.