Hillary Clinton is contradicting herself about her classified emails as she makes a last stand in Iowa ahead of Monday’s caucus.

Clinton is in Iowa Saturday campaigning hard against Bernie Sanders, who has pulled to within two and a half points in the latest Iowa State University/WHO-HD poll, which has a three and a half-point margin of error.

But Clinton is battling fallout from revelations that 22 classified emails from her private server are being withheld by the Obama administration from public release, along with other emails that contain information too sensitive for public consumption. The Clinton campaign has criticized the administration’s decision to keep some emails private.

The Obama administration’s acknowledgment that she had classified materials on her server, which Breitbart News has been extensively reporting since August, does not help her in the final days in the Hawkeye State.

During an interview with MSNBC reporter Monica Alba, Clinton claimed she didn’t know which emails were being withheld by the Obama administration but then claimed that she did not generate any of the email chains that have been deemed too sensitive for release.

How does Clinton know whether or not she generated email chains if she does not know which emails she’s referring to?

Alba noted that Clinton said “voters don’t ask her about this” or “care about this” in Iowa, which contradicts this reporter’s findings on the ground in Iowa during this primary campaign cycle.

Clinton is in Iowa with her husband Bill and daughter Chelsea, stumping about gun control and holding a final rally Saturday night.