GOP presidential candidate former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee – along with many of his campaign surrogates – had some fun at a shooting range in Johnston, Iowa on Saturday afternoon, just about 48 hours ahead of the Iowa caucus, where his wife, Janet Huckabee, hit a bullseye while shooting an AR 15.

“We had a great time,” Huckabee told Breitbart news. “We had a bunch of our surrogates [join] who are in town.”

Some of Huckabee’s campaign surrogates attending the event were Arkansas first female and first Republican Attorney General Leslie Rutledge and former Congressman Duncan Hunter, Sr.

Huckabee’s wife, Janet Huckabee, who also attended the event, hit a bulls-eye with an AR 15.

“We had some great folks that came out with us and then a lot of our volunteers had a shoot off – just really had a great time,” Huckabee added.

Huckabee, who won the 2008 Iowa caucus, told reporters after Thursday night’s GOP debate at Donald Trump’s fundraiser for veterans that he’s waiting to see what happens this coming Monday when Hawkeye voters attend their caucus.

“Why don’t we see what happens Monday night? Huckabee said to a reporter who asked him about his poll numbers this year versus in 2008. “How many people have voted yet? Nobody.”