Senator Marco Rubio has spent the past several months making promises to voters, painting a vivid future about what America would be like “when” he is elected president.

It’s a message he has driven home multiple times as he makes his way across the country during appearances at campaign events, town halls, forums, interviews, and especially on debate stages.

All candidates do this, but Rubio in particular reminds voters what they will get if they elect him as his rivals pound him on cap-and-trade, taxes, spending, immigration, and foreign policy.

Watch the video below:

Here is a list of 29 things that Rubio has promised – “When I’m President”
  1. Keep our majority in the House and Senate
  2. My faith will influence the way I will live my life
  3. There will never be any cap and trade
  4. I will rebuild intelligence capabilities
  5. I will keep this country safe
  6. I will keep terrorists from entering the country
  7. I will rebuild the U.S. military
  8. We’re getting rid of Obamacare
  9. I will add 20,000 border agents
  10. We will not undermine religious liberty
  11. We will have a real war on terror
  12. My tax plan will treat everybody on an even playing field
  13. In my Justice Department – no one will be above the law,
  14. I will re-embrace all the things that made America great
  15. I will deport criminal illegal aliens
  16. I will end federal funding for sanctuary cities
  17. We getting rid of Obamacare
  18. We win this war on ISIS
  19. I will have an Attorney General for who no one is above the law
  20. There will be no apologizing to foreign countries
  21. I will confront the challenges of our time
  22. There will be no VAT tax
  23. I will make sure Edward Snowden stand trial for treason
  24. I will not undermine the Second Amendment
  25. I will re-embrace all the things that made America special
  26. We’re going to be America again
  27. I will be a president that acts like America is the greatest nation in the world
  28. All of the things that Obama did to our country are gone
  29. Free sweet rolls?