DES MOINES, IOWA— As Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) made his a final pitch before Monday’s caucus, many supporters in a packed gymnasium told Breitbart News that they support the self-described democratic socialist over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton because they don’t trust her.

“Hillary wants to join the old boys club, while Bernie wants to destroy the old boys club,” Aaron Spading, a supporter of Sanders, told Breitbart News.
When asked why so many young people like himself favor Bernie over Clinton he responds, “because they can smell bull—-.”
Spading isn’t alone. The packed event at Grand View University was filled with Democrats fed up with the Clintons.
Katherine Vega, a student at Iowa told Breitbart News she supports Sanders because, unlike Clinton, he’s politically consistent.
“Sanders has stuck to his opinions,” Vega said.  “I’ve seen way too many videos of Hillary changing her opinion. She changes so many opinions so fast. She’s just telling people what they want to hear.”
Sierra Smith of Des Moines told Breitbart News she will be caucusing for Sanders on Monday. This will be the first time she has ever caucused and is planning on doing it with six other friends who are also Sanders supporters.
Smith said that she’s passionate about women’s issues and believes that Sanders is the best candidate in the Democratic Party to advance women’s rights.
“I support him because he’s for women’s rights,” Smith said. When asked why she isn’t supporting Clinton, who has positioned herself as a champion of women’s rights, she responded,  “I just don’t think she’s genuine.”
Kaden Wells, 18, attended the Sanders rally with his classmates. His AP government class is trying to see every Republican and Democratic presidential candidate before Monday’s Iowa caucus.
He told Breitbart News that he hasn’t made up his yet, but one thing is for sure: him and his friends are not fans of Clinton.
“I don’t think anyone in our class likes Hillary,” Wells told Breitbart News. “She is too much associated with the current establishment. We went to her rally. She’s like a robot. She seems like you can’t trust her, with Benghazi, her emails.”