Tuesday on MSNBC’s special coverage of the Iowa primary, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made her New Hampshire primary pitch by warning against a Republican returning to the White House.

Clinton said, “First, let me say I am thrilled, too, that we’ve got young people getting active in the campaign on the Democratic side. I was very proud of the many, many young people working for me, volunteering for me, voting, caucusing for me in Iowa, and the ones I have here in New Hampshire. I’m just so impressed with—so that’s a net good no matter what. I do think that we have an obligation to keep people focused on what’s at stake in this election, and you got close to saying it, Chris. We can’t let the Republicans rip away the progress we’ve made. We can’t let them go back to trickle-down economics, repeal the Affordable Care Act. We can’t let them stack the Supreme Court for another generation against common sense kind of changes that we need.

She continued, “We’ve got to get back to the middle, we’ve got to get back to the big center, we’ve got to get back to solving problems. That’s how we make progress in America. I am proud to be in a line of Democratic presidents who just got in there and fought it out, who got civil rights, who got an economy producing high incomes, who got, finally, the Affordable Care Act, something we’ve been fighting for since Harry Truman. I know how hard this is and I totally appreciate how exciting it can be to be involved in a campaign that really just puts out these great big ideas. But I want folks to stop and think, no matter what age you are, okay, we agree on getting the economy going. We agree on raising incomes. We agree on combating climate change. We agree on universal coverage. Who has the track record? Who’s gotten the results? Who can actually produce the kind of change you want for yourself and your family and for our country? So I’m very energized about this because I like a contest of ideas. That’s what politics should be. We’re going to be talking about and arguing about issues on our side. They’re going to keep insulting each other on the Republican side. But the goal for any sensible American has to be, do not turn the White House over to the Republicans in November. Do not turn the Supreme Court further over to their nominees. We can’t let that happen.”

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