MANCHESTER, New Hampshire — Mike Zona, director of communications for Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign in New Hampshire, tells Breitbart News that Rubio’s higher-than-expected finish in Iowa is a model for success in next week’s New Hampshire primary.

“We’ve shown a model for success in Iowa,” Zona tells Breitbart News at the Rubio campaign’s New Hampshire headquarters offices on third floor of the Brady-Sullivan Tower in downtown Manchester.

“We’re looking to replicate that grassroots support and continue in New Hampshire,” Zona adds.

“We’ve been knocking on doors [in New Hampshire] since the spring,” Zona says.

“And, we’re the only campaign competing all of the first four states,” he adds.

The first three states are Iowa, New Hampshire (Feb. 9 primary), and South Carolina (Feb. 23 primary).

The fourth state, Nevada, will hold a Feb. 23 caucus in February.

Zona argues that Sen. Ted Cruz, who won the Iowa GOP Caucuses on Monday, is not seriously contesting Nevada. Rubio spent several years of his childhood with his family in Nevada.

In New Hampshire, Zona says, the Rubio campaign has knocked on “tens of thousands of doors,” but he did not provide more specific details.

Angela Ayres, the wife of Rubio pollster Whit Ayres, runs the front desk of Rubio headquarters in Manchester as a volunteer. Her husband has done extensive polling in previous elections for Sen. Lamar Alexander of Governor Bill Haslam of Tennessee. Ayres is expected to arrive in New Hampshire on Wednesday.