NASHUA, New Hampshire–Jim Wilson is a man on a mission.

The 72-year-old insurance salesman from Buckingham, Virginia wants to help elect Sen. Marco Rubio as the next president of the United States.

“I have ten grandchildren,” Wilson tells Breitbart News. “Our country is in turmoil, and I don’t want to be the generation that fails to give their children and grandchildren a country that is better than the one they got.”

The Iowa native is driving across the country on his own dime to promote small events for the Rubio campaign. He has equipped his truck with two large 10 foot by 12 foot Rubio signs, which he hoists 25 feet up on a telescope when he parks his truck near smaller Rubio campaign events.

Wilson explains why Rubio is his candidate for president.

“I liked Kasich, but he’s going nowhere,” Wilson tells Breitbart News.

Wilson was decidedly upbeat about Rubio’s chances, especially after his strong third place finish in the Iowa GOP caucuses Monday night, 5 points behind winner Sen. Ted Cruz and only 1 point behind second place finisher Donald Trump.

The Iowa native, a long-time Virginia resident, left Davenport late Sunday night. After replacing the alternator on his truck in Iowa, Wilson arrived at the Motel 6 in Nashua, New Hampshire looking for directions to the Rubio campaign’s New Hampshire headquarters in Manchester.

Upon his arrival in Manchester, Wilson was greeted by Rubio staffers as an old friend.

His next mission, Wilson tells Breitbart News, is to promote a Rubio campaign event in Exeter, New Hampshire at 8 am Wednesday.