Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson is going after Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for allegedly spreading false rumors on caucus night that the retired neurosurgeon was ending his presidential bid.

In a fundraising email, Carson writes:

Here are the facts — as the caucuses began, Ted Cruz’s campaign deliberately instructed its leaders around the state to spread a false report that I was dropping out. Clearly this was an attempt to bolster their numbers, because no attempts were made to verify the truth.

As a Christian man, I accept the apology he has since offered and I take him at his word that he didn’t know. But no actions have been taken to correct the problem. That I cannot accept.

One thing is now clear — while Senator Cruz may preach against the “Washington Cartel,” he will still adopt, or at least not condemn, Cartel tactics for his own political gain.

The Obama Era has been filled with examples of wrongdoing with no accountability, and we cannot continue down that road.

The pundits mock me because unlike Senator Cruz, I’m not a politician.

Carson also spoke about the tough fight ahead for him.

We’ve got an uphill battle before us. It’s been difficult and it will continue to be so. But it’s a fight worth fighting, because the future of our children and grandchildren is at stake.