After being excluded from the upcoming New Hampshire debate, Presidential candidate Carly Fiorina is upping the ante in her outspoken campaign to make the stage with a new message to the Republican National Committee.

Fiorina will be on Breitbart News Daily with host Stephen K. Bannon tomorrow to discuss the latest developments.

Below  is her official letter to the RNC.

February 3, 2016
Republican National Committee
310 First Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003
To the Chairman and Members of the Republican National Committee,
Our debate process is broken. Networks are making up these debate rules as they go along — not to be able to fit candidates on the stage — but arbitrarily to decide which candidates make for the best TV in their opinion. Now it is time for the RNC to act in the best interest of the Party that it represents.

In 2012, the debate stage featured 8 candidates until the Iowa Caucus and then all declared candidates still in the race were invited from that point forward, including the ABC New Hampshire debate. As of today, I will be the only candidate kept off the debate stage. To review, we beat Governors Christie and Kasich in Iowa this week when voters actually had their say. This campaign has the same number of delegates as Governors Bush and Kasich while Governor Christie has zero. We’re ahead of Dr. Carson in New Hampshire polling. We are 6th in hard dollars raised and have twice the cash on hand as either Governors Christie or Kasich. We are already on the ballot in 32 states, and there is a ground game with paid staff in 12 states. Yet, all of these candidates will be invited to the ABC debate. I will not.

There are only 8 candidates left. It’s time for the RNC to demand that media executives step aside and let voters hear from all of us.

I trust you will act appropriately.

Carly Fiorina