On Friday’s Breitbart News Daily (6AM-9AM EST on Sirius XM Patriot channel 125), Hillary Clinton biographer Ed Klein said Clinton’s assertion during Thursday night’s debate that she was “absolutely” not worried about her email scandal and the ongoing FBI investigation is “total and complete bull.”

He told host and Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon that in the last batch of emails that were released, 22 emails were held back because “a lot of human assets—names of American spies and those working for the CIA—were mentioned in these emails that passed through Hillary’s… unsecured email server.”

According to Klein, three of Clinton’s closest advisers—Huma Abedin, Cheryl Mills, and Jake Sullivan—have “lawyered up” because they have been informed that the FBI will interview them. Klein said all three face potential jail time and they are so worried about ruining Clinton’s chances of winning the White House that they are distancing themselves from Clinton and the campaign.

During Thursday night’s debate, moderator Chuck Todd mentioned that “many Democratic voters that our reporters have been running into in Iowa and New Hampshire” are telling “our reporters over and over again they’re worried about the emails issue, not because they don’t believe your explanation, but because it’s a drip-drip, because the cloud is hanging over your head and that it will impact the general election.”

He asked, “they see your numbers right now and they think it’s the email issue as to why you’re not polling very well. So can you reassure these Democrats that somehow the email issue isn’t going to blow up your candidacy if you’re the nominee?”

“Absolutely I can,” Clinton replied. “You know, before it was emails, it was Benghazi, and the Republicans were stirring up so much controversy about that. And I testified for 11 hours, answered their questions. They basically said yeah, didn’t get her. We tried. That was all a political ploy.”

When Todd asked Clinton whether she was “100 percent confident that nothing is going to come of this FBI investigation,” Clinton said, “I am 100 percent confident. This is a security review that was requested. It is being carried out. It will be resolved.”

“I have absolutely no concerns about it, but we’ve got to get to the bottom of what’s really going on here, and I hope that will happen,” Clinton said.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said that “there’s a process under way” and “I will not politicize it.”