GOP presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson is hoping to cash-in on his spat with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) over the Iowa caucus.

On Thursday night, Carson sent out a fundraising campaign email to his supporters referencing Breitbart News’ story, which revealed that the Cruz campaign – in addition to emails – also made phone calls to precinct captains about the news of Carson “suspending campaigning” as voters went to caucus, telling the precinct captains to, “not waste a vote on Ben Carson and vote for Ted Cruz.”

“These calls were placed after my campaign clarified that any talk of suspension was false,” Carson’s email states, after including the voicemail audio.

His email continues:

This kind of deceitful behavior is why the American people don’t trust politicians and don’t trust Washington, D.C. If Senator Ben Carson If Cruz Doesn’t Act, ‘He Clearly Represents D.C. Values’.

I call on Senator Cruz to take decisive action at a senior level within his campaign or I fear this culture of destructive behavior will only continue.

“If Senator Cruz truly wants to defeat the Washington Cartel, he must be willing to hold people accountable for adopting deceptive Cartel tactics,” Carson charges in the campaign email.