President Obama provided Republicans an easy campaign slogan as they wrap up their final arguments in New Hampshire.

Speaking in Salem, Sen. Marco Rubio blasted Obama’s proposed $10 a barrel oil tax as a “pipe dream” to redirect funding to alternative methods of transportation.

“Everything is a tax … Who’s going to pay that? You are,” Rubio said. “All to fund this pipe dream that he has with his high-speed this, and clean cars.”

He pointed out that Democrats believed taxes were an easy solution when it came to funding their ideas that couldn’t be solved by the free market.

“We don’t need a tax for these things. Everything is about a tax. They are obsessed with taxes,” he said.

Being on the campaign trail, Rubio explained that he would lower taxes and simply the tax code to get the economy back on track.

“We are going to fix our tax code, not make it more expensive and more complicated,” he said. “I have a plan to do that.”