On today’s program of Breitbart News Daily, Donald Trump’s Senior Policy Advisor, Stephen Miller, blasted donor-class favorite Marco Rubio as the “front man for the open borders syndicate.”

Miller, former communications director for Sen. Jeff Sessions and the Senate Budget Committee now serving as Trump’s Senior Policy Adviser, appeared on today’s program to provide policy analysis on the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the immigration issue ahead of Saturday night’s debate.

“Marco Rubio is the front man for the open borders syndicate,” Miller declared.

“Understand this,” Miller told listeners, “Marco Rubio is determined to finish what he started with the Gang of Eight bill and to be President Obama’s third term on immigration.”

Indeed, Marco Rubio has been one of the most ardent champions of the donor-class’ open borders agenda. In 2013, Rubio co-authored and ushered through the Senate an immigration plan endorsed by La Raza, Luis Gutierrez, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg, the AFL-CIO, the Chamber of Commerce, SEIU, and Barack Obama.

As reports from the The National Review, the Tampa Bay Times, the Washington Post,  the New Yorker and others have all suggested, it is unlikely Obama’s immigration agenda would have ever made it through the Senate if not for Sen. Rubio’s tireless efforts. Rubio was the bill’s chief salesman. To this day, Rubio continues to defend the his progressive immigration bill– maintaining that it did not grant amnesty.

Moreover, Rubio continues to support every substantial policy outlined in his 2013 bill— including granting citizenship (and, thereby, welfare access and voting privileges) to illegal immigrants, increasing guest worker visasexpanding refugee resettlement, and allowing the foreign-born population to surge beyond all known historical precedent.

Even after the Gang of Eight agenda died in the House, Rubio introduced new legislation last year—backed by his corporate backers—which would expand the controversial H-1B foreign worker program and would allow for an unlimited expansion of Muslim migration.

According to Pew polling data, Marco Rubio’s desire to expand projected immigration growth is opposed by at least 92% of Republican electorate.

Perhaps underscoring the argument advanced by the Trump campaign is the fact that Rubio’s candidacy has been enthusiastically embraced by some of the most powerful mass migration advocates, such as Paul Singer and Larry Ellison.

Hear the interview: