GOP presidential candidate New Jersey Governor Chris Christie blasted Planned Parenthood as “the most radical type of extremist” on abortion and touted defunding the organization and cited Ronald Reagan to defend exceptions for abortion on rape or incest saying that a woman who is a victim of those things “should not have to deliver that child, if they believe that violation is now an act of self-defense by terminating that pregnancy” during Saturday’s GOP presidential debate on ABC.

Christie said, “I’ve been pretty helpful to the pro-life cause in one of the most pro-choice states in the union. I stood up for the first time, and now, for the last six years, we’ve defunded Planned Parenthood, not talked about it like they do in Washington, DC, but for six years as governor, Planned Parenthood does not receive that funding from the state budget anymore. Over $50 million worth of money that’s saved now, that is not going to do exactly what Hillary Clinton wants to have done, has advocated for. She believes that that organization, which engages in the systematic murder of children in the womb, in order to maximize the value of their body parts for sale on the open market, is an acceptable position. Let me tell you something, I don’t care whether you’re a millennial, or whether you’re in your 90s, no one is for that type of activity, unless you are the most radical type of extremist on this issue, like Senator Clinton, and her party, is on this issue. I’ll say one other thing. You know, the fact is, that I believe, that if a woman has been raped, that is a birth, and a pregnancy that she should be able to terminate. If she’s the victim of incest, this is not a woman’s choice. This is a woman being violated. And the fact is, that we’ve always believed, as has Ronald Reagan, that we have self-defense, for women who have been raped and impregnated because of it, or the subject of incest, and been impregnated for it. That woman should not have to deliver that child, if they believe that violation is now an act of self-defense by terminating that pregnancy.”

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