The Des Moines Register is running a scathing editorial against Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), accusing him of running a “campaign of deceit.”

“Frankly, it’s hard to square the dishonest campaign tactics of Ted Cruz with his oft-stated support for Christian values,” the editorial reads. “Then again, it’s hard to square Cruz himself with such values.”

The editorial goes after Cruz for sending mailers to voters informing them of a voting violation for low caucus participation. The editors call this,  “pure, unadulterated fiction,” and also blasted Cruz for the way he responded to the controversy.

“But what’s most instructive about the Cruz mailer is the way in which the candidate responded to criticism of it: He characterized it as some sort of civic-minded ‘get out the vote’ campaign that he fully supported,” the editorial reads.

Cruz’s defiant, anything-goes attitude may help explain why his campaign workers, on caucus day, sent out an email alerting people that “the press is reporting Dr. Ben Carson is taking time off from the campaign trail after Iowa and making a big announcement next week. Please inform any Carson caucus-goers of this event and urge them to caucus for Cruz.”

The editorial implies that both scenarios shed light on Cruz’s character.

“It seems his biggest weakness may be an inability to recognize — or at least admit to — his own failings. That may be the mark of a successful politician, but it’s a dangerous character trait for someone who aspires to be president of the United States.”