Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said there is a “double standard” when she is criticized for shouting by “male pundits” because she is a woman.

Host Jake Tapper asked, “A lot of your supporters were very upset this last week when some older male pundits suggested that you are a shouter. Now, I would observe that Bernie Sanders doesn’t exactly talk in a whisper. But that said, do you think that the coverage of you is sexist? Do you think that when male pundits say things like that, they have a different standard for you?”
Clinton said, “Look, we are still living with a double standard. I know it. Every woman I know knows it. Whether you’re in the media as a woman, or you’re in the professions or business or politics. And I don’t know anything other to do than to just keep forging through it. Sometimes I talk soft. sometimes I get passionate and I get a little bit excited. I don’t know any man who doesn’t do the same thing. And I find it sort of interesting that all of a sudden this is a big discussion about me. Once again. I’m so used to this. I’m going to keep making my case. I’m going to keep talking about I’m going to keep laying out my record. Because I think it’s really important that this election be actually about who can do the job that needs to be done starting in January of 2017.”
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