On the day of the New Hampshire primaries, Martin County tea party coordinator Cindy Lucas tells Breitbart News Executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon she’s fed up with Rush Limbaugh defending Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio even after he tried to pass an extreme immigration bill.

“I’m just done with it. You’re either with us or without us,” Lucas said. “This is all about immigration. This is all about getting our sovereignty back.”

“In 2008, he was the Florida speaker of the house. There were seven bills. They were enforcement bills on illegal immigration,” she added. “He buried them in committee. They never got to the floor, period.”

Reached earlier in February by Breitbart News, two tea party activists were deeply skeptical of efforts by open-borders globalists to push an agenda of unlimited immigration onto the U.S.

Lucas recounted how Rubio repeatedly ignored a questionaire tea party activists gave Florida politicians on immigration. She also relayed an interesting anecdote from her time rubbing shoulders with undecided voters:

“A couple weekends ago, I thought, why don’t I see what happens when I put the Trump thing on my iPhone and he’s giving this speech, like on a Friday or whatever it was. I had more people come to me and say, ‘I’m for Trump.’ ‘I’m for Trump.’ Not loud: ‘I’m for Trump.’ And I engaged them… and they said, they didn’t like Trump. I said, well, are you a Cruz supporter? ‘I hate Cruz.’ I didn’t find one person in two nights that I did that, that liked Cruz. They don’t like his persona. I’ve had people tell me he looks and sounds like a used car salesman, which is really weird. So, I’m not sure about the Cruz support. The rank-and-file, diehard conservatives, absolutely, but someone’s who’s just going to vote for Trump, or if they don’t like Trump, they’re going to vote for Marco. That was the thing that I got… I don’t think [Cruz] is going to get the independents, and I don’t believe he’s going to reach across the aisle and get any of the other segments of the population. He’s not going to get any of that. But Trump, Trump has that. We see it here in Martin County.

“But that’s a whole ‘nother story. Right now, it’s Rubio I think — I bet you my bottom dollar, they’re in a room right now, thinking of how they’re going to get New Hampshire. They already have a plan for it. We already know that. Because I can tell you the Florida Republican Party has done nothing, nothing to get the vote out,” she alleged. “The bottom line is, they know if they register new voters, those voters are not going to vote for their candidate, and their candidates are Jeb and Rubio.

The goal has always been to take out Cruz and Trump. Look at what they did to Rand [Paul]. Look what they did to his father.”

The true issues are immigration and Common Core, tea party activist Cindy Skradar said.

“Rubio just wants to bring in more H-1B visas,” she said. “We have more STEM graduates than we have STEM jobs. So how is importing foreign, cheap labor going to help our college kids get a job?”

“I think Rubio is supported by the Chamber [of Commerce] and Big Business who wants the cheap labor that takes jobs from Americans. And I don’t know how the Establishment is so arrogant that they completely ignore us, except when it comes for voting time.”

Skradar said she made hundreds of calls and knocked on thousands of doors during the 2012 election to help elect Republican Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.

“Rubio is just more of the same. Also, the Tea Party that back Rubio for the Senate,” she said. “And then he turns around and stands with Chuck Schumer, who… worked with the IRS to target me, a Tea Party person. I mean, come on! You want your base to come out and support you when you want the equivalent of throwing them under the bus? Immigration — I’m so glad Trump put immigration at the forefront, because this is the conversation every American out there needs.”

“We need to purge our party and take our party back. If Rubio were to lead our party on immigration, you would see how far left he is out of the party platform.”

“It took a great naivety on his part to get on that [Gang of Eight bill] with Schumer and Durbin. And now look at — Schumer is going, ‘Oh yeah, Marco Rubio’s name is all over this bill. His name’s all over this bill.’ He’s inexperienced. Look what happened to Reagan with the Democrats, with immigration. They lied. They lied,” she said, pointing to Obama’s blatant falsehoods about his own executive amnesty actions. “He should know better than to trust them.”

“The game is up. We know it’s cheap labor. It’s cheap labor. The game is up and we know it. You can talk… But American knows it now. The game is up, the curtain has been lifted, and they’re shaking in their boots, and I’m glad,” she said. “A Trump/Cruz ticket would be unstoppable. I think Trump can get Democrats, independents. We want somebody that can be tough. I think Cruz has proven to be tough,” referring to his stance against ethanol subsidies in Iowa.

LISTEN — Cindy Lucas: