Former GOP presidential candidate Gov. Mike Huckabee weighed in on Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign tactics in Iowa, saying the Cruz campaign also targeted Huckabee and supporters of Sen. Rick Santorum in addition to Carson supporters while campaigning in Iowa.

“I can attest to the fact that even in our campaign there were many efforts to try and say that people shouldn’t vote for me or Rick Santorum or Ben Carson,” Huckabee said of the controversy over the Iowa caucus where the Cruz campaign spread a CNN report that Carson was dropping out of the race and to urge Carson supporters to vote for Cruz instead. “The Cruz people said it would be a wasted vote and they should vote for Cruz. It wouldn’t have made a difference for any of use but it is the kind of low-life, sleazy politics people truly get sick of.”

“Ted Cruz apologized for his campaign spreading a false story that Ben Carson had dropped out of the race but he deflected blame to CNN,” Huckabee explained this week on the former Arkansas Governors’ pay-per-view podcast. “Dr. Carson, being a good Christian, accepted the apology on a personal level, but he didn’t buy Cruz’s claims of innocent intentions. As usual, Donald Trump was more blunt, he accused Cruz of stealing the caucuses and said there should be new vote.”

Huckabee also slammed Cruz’s campaign performance on another podcast.

“Ted Cruz also took flack for his campaign tactics in Iowa and his unpopularity in Washington and most of them quite deservedly, especially for the last-minute and late hit, below the belt hit, on Ben Carson in Iowa,” Huckabee said, referencing last Saturday’s GOP debate.