After endorsing Hillary Clinton on Thursday, Congressional Black Caucus PAC members insisted they were not a part of the hated Washington “establishment.”

When asked if the CBC PAC’s endorsement of Clinton may actually help Sanders, whose supporters are railing against the political, media, and economic establishments, Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY), the Chair of the CBC PAC, said CBC members can in no way be considered “establishment.” In fact, Meeks said that “most of us come from the ‘hood” and “mess with us, and you’ll see we’re from the street.”

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) also said that “not one of them can be considered establishment. For the whole time we’ve been in the United States Congress, no one has gone to the floor and said, ‘I’m tired of the establishment of the Congressional Black Caucus.’”

She added that “more importantly, every story that stood here today as a member of the CBC PAC… has their own activist, revolutionary, civil rights, marching, fighting story…
“We’re going to tell our stories… to young people… and say, ‘I am you and you and me.’”

Jackson Lee pointed that Clinton “took the words of Black Lives Matter” and gave a speech on criminal justice reform at Columbia University and also spoke about the “devastation of voter suppression and voter-rights restoration” at Texas. She said “we are marching to justice for a president that is going to be unshy of fighting those obstacles that have kept us down. In 2016, we’ve got people trying to keep us down.”

“We look to what people have done and whether can fight,” Jackson Lee said, noting that Clinton will join the “non-establishment Congressional Black Caucus members, ride to the White House, and create a movement of justice that everyone in this country that has been fighting for justice can be proud of.”