Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz’s campaign is running an ad in South Carolina that attacks Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) for backing amnesty and for being: “just a pretty face.”

The ad opens with people sitting in a circle at, what appears to be, a therapy group. They discuss how they have been lied to by politicians, specifically Rubio.

“I voted for the guy who was the party hero in the campaign trail and then he went to D.C. and played pat-a-cake with Chuck Schumer and cut a deal on amnesty,” the man in the ad says. “It makes me feel dumb for trusting him,” he adds.

“Maybe you should vote for more than just a pretty face next time,” one of the people in the ad quips.

The ad ends with a man walking in with Marco Rubio t-shirt and asking the group if there is “room for one more.”