USA Today Columnist Kirsten Powers argued that it’s “hypocrisy” for Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to condemn rich people on the right giving money to PACs while accepting money from PACs herself on Friday’s “O’Reilly Factor” on the Fox News Channel.

Powers, who earlier the segment countered some of the criticisms of Democratic presidential candidate Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), said Hillary’s answer on taking money from George Soros was “technically true, in the sense that she’s — it’s illegal for her to coordinate with a PAC. But I think that she obviously is not raising money from small donors in the way that Bernie Sanders is. And I think she was obviously uncomfortable, because they were highlighting that.”

When asked about her criticisms of wealthy Republicans, such as the Koch Brothers giving money to PACs, Powers stated that Hillary was engaging in “hypocrisy” to condemn donations to PACs made by wealthy people on the right while taking money from PACs.

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