GOP frontrunner Donald Trump took to Twitter to slam the establishment audience in the GOP primary debate last Saturday night, calling for the tickets to be open to the general public rather than “lobbyists and special interests.”

Trump also went after rival candidates Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

“Tickets for future debates should be put out to the general public instead of being given to the lobbyists & special interests – the bosses!” Trump posted on Twitter, adding, “Loved the debate last night, and almost everyone said I won, but the RNC did a terrible job of ticket distrbution. All donors & special ints.”

Trump then criticized fellow GOP candidates Cruz and Bush for supporting Justice John Roberts’ nomination to the Supreme Court, as well as their ability to defeat Hillary Clinton in the general election.

“Ted Cruz, along with Jeb Bush, pushed Justice John Roberts onto the Supreme Court. Roberts could have killed ObamaCare twice, but didn’t!” Trump posted. He added, “Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz are not electable presidential candidates, Hillary would destroy them. Ted may not be eligible to run – born in Canada.”

He also attacked Bush for having his mother and brother campaign for him.

“Funny that Jeb(!) didn’t want help from his family in his failed campaign and didn’t even want to use his last name.Then mommy, now brother!”