Veteran political operative and author of “The Clintons’ War on Women” Roger J. Stone, Jr. was on Breitbart News Daily with host Stephen K. Bannon this morning to discuss the recent GOP debate and pending primary in South Carolina.

Stone recalled his days with Reagan, and pointed out that the South Carolina primary was scheduled to “set the table” for the Southern primary on March 1. Stone says businessman Donald Trump is well on his way to sweeping the South.

As for he drama involved in the recent debate, asked if he thought Trump had gone too far, said Stone, “As your previous caller said, the Bushes have worn out their welcome. So, anytime you clash with Jeb, he is the symbol of the established order. The established order is about no change. It’s about a complete continuation of our current policies. Jeb really stands for that – endless war, erosion of civil liberties, more debt, more spying on our citizens, nothing would be different.”

Stone said he felt that “both on substance and on style,” Trump survived the South Carolina debate, “which is all he really had to do” as the frontrunner.

When asked if it was all about going about the Bush legacy, Stone said Trump wasn’t a diabolical man and if it seemed that way, it was simply a result of the political battle. Stone also reiterated criticism of the Iraq War. “It was a massive error, an expensive error in terms of lives and money.” Stone went on to say that both the Clinton and Bush administrations had numerous warnings about 9/11 “and they just failed to connect the dots.”

Stone insisted he believes Trump will continue to attack on the Iraq War and that there is more than enough dissatisfaction out there with how the war was handled, including her aftermath and ongoing problems in taking care of American veterans, that the attacks will not hurt Trump in South Carolina, as some pundits suggest.

Stone also mentioned the coming Wednesday release of his latest book, “Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family,” which Stone called “the real story of Jeb Bush and his life of privilege.”

The entire Breitbart News Daily interview with Roger Stone can he heard below.