Billionaire Donald Trump praised Breitbart News’ Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle at a press conference in Hanahan, South Carolina on Monday.

“Very good reporter, very good reporter this guy,” Trump, the 2016 GOP presidential frontrunner nationally and current polling leader in South Carolina by a wide margin after winning the New Hampshire primaries, said when Boyle asked him a question.

Boyle’s question centered on Trump’s longstanding feud with the Republican National Committee (RNC), which has reemerged in recent days after revelations the RNC and local and state party officials stacked the audience at the most recent debate in Greenville, South Carolina, with anti-Trump activists who were also opposed to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX). The anti-Trump and anti-Cruz activists placed throughout the debate hall, surprisingly enough, cheered loudly for the establishment-backed Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and his mentor former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush when Rubio and Bush both repeatedly made the case to grant amnesty to illegal aliens.

“Mr. Trump, you said earlier today that the RNC has run default on their pledge—that the RNC has run default on your pledge with them,” Boyle asked Trump. “Can you explain and elaborate on that?”

“I’m very disappointed in the RNC, Republican National Committee,” Trump said.

I’m very disappointed in the RNC because for three debates now the room has been stacked with special interests and donors as you know, as the press knows. As an example, I gave two judges who were very conservative judges. I was met with nice applause. Bush got up and stumbled through an answer and the place went crazy. I said, ‘What are they doing?’ And then I realized all of these people—many of the people in that room I know, some are friends of mine. Some are waving to me and booing. They’re waving like this and they’re booing—they’re having fun. I get it. Some of them are friends of mine. They are special interests. They’re lobbyists. And that shouldn’t be. They have total control over the people I’m running against. Total, absolute control. I bring up the drug thing because the drug companies are going to go to competitive bid. Whether we save $100 billion a year or $350 billion a year, we’re going to competitive bid. These people can’t say that because the drug companies give them a fortune to run for office.

Boyle is Breitbart News’ Washington Political Editor and in addition to managing Breitbart’s reporting team and political content and frequently reports live from the field across the country. He’s reported from every single GOP presidential primary debate this cycle, and has been live reporting on the ground in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Nevada and throughout the early states across America.

He was recently profiled in the Daily Beast, which ran a nearly 3,000-word article on him naming him the “angry populist enforcer” of the 2016 presidential election. Boyle has interviewed Trump and most of the rest of the 2016 GOP presidential candidates as well as many congressional leaders and other major political figures.

Lloyd Grove, the Daily Beast editor who wrote the profile on Boyle, Tweeted out Trump’s praise of Boyle during the press conference on Monday.