Judicial Watch is once again in the center of events this week in Washington.  This week the FBI told a federal court in a Judicial Watch open records lawsuit that Hillary Clinton’s conduct is under investigation.

This was the first formal confirmation by the FBI that Hillary Clinton is in its sights.  Here’s my statement on the FBI letter to U.S. Department of State Principal Deputy Legal Adviser Marry McLeod concerning the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s and her staff’s use of non-“state.gov” email accounts:

The FBI letter is a significant development. The FBI confirms for the first time that Mrs. Clinton’s use of a “private” email server is a matter for law enforcement.  Why did it take nearly a week for the Obama Justice Department to file this letter with the court?  There’s now no getting around it:  Hillary Clinton’s email use could have serious criminal consequences for her and other current and former administration officials.

The FBI letter reads as follows:

Dear Ms. McLeod:

I am writing to update my September 21, 2015, response to your letter dated September 2, 2015, regarding Judicial Watch v. Department of State, 13-cv-1363 (D.D.C.), and your request for information pursuant to the Court’s Order of August 20, 2015. At that time, I informed you that the FBI could neither confirm nor deny the existence of any on-going investigation. Since that time, in public statements and testimony, the Bureau has acknowledged generally that it is working on matters related to former Secretary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server. The FBI has not, however, publically acknowledged the specific focus, scope or potential targets of any such proceedings. Thus, while the FBI’s response to you has changed to some degree due to these intervening events, we remain unable to provide the requested information without adversely affecting on-going law enforcement efforts.

The letter was produced in response to a court order in a Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit before U.S. District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan.  The lawsuit concerns the “special government employee” status of Clinton’s longtime aide Huma Abedin. At the State Department, Abedin was Clinton’s deputy chief of staff.  Now, she is vice chairwoman of Clinton’s presidential campaign.

Relying upon the State Department’s representation that the agency conducted a search of Hillary Clinton’s offices, Judicial Watch agreed to dismiss its lawsuiton March 14, 2014.  Judge Sullivan reopened the lawsuit on June 19, 2015, in response to revelations about Clinton’s separate email system.

You can imagine how this revelation – once again, thanks to JW, not to Congress or the somnolent and compromised liberal media – shook Washington.  Here’s a sampling of headlines:

From NBC News reporter Pete Williams:  “FBI formally confirms its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s email server”

From Fox News:  “FBI says Clinton email investigation remains ‘ongoing’”

From Investor’s Business Daily:  “Congratulations, Democrats, Your Top Candidate Is Under Federal Probe”

And we were featured over at the Wall Street Journal this week and on Fox News last night with Brett Baier on the Clinton matter.

From my perspective, the criminal issues relating to Hillary Clinton and her gang (see below) are coming to a head.  The political class seems to be whistling past the graveyard when it comes to the very real prospect of a criminal indictment of Hillary Clinton.  Whatever happens, JW supporters like you can take great satisfaction that our effort to hold Hillary Clinton accountable for her misconduct is succeeding beyond measure.