On Tuesday, Spike Lee said he will vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) to prevent Donald Trump from getting access to the nuclear football.

According to a Guardian report, Lee was promoting his Chi-Raq film at the Berlin Film Festival when he was asked who he would be supporting in the presidential election:

Accompanying the president at the time was an aide with a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist. Lee believed that this was the ‘nuclear football’, which allows the US president to authorise a nuclear attack while away from the White House.

“I always thought it was a myth. It scared the sh*t out of me,” Lee reportedly said. “Can you imagine Donald Trump having that power? Press some numbers into that and we’re all out of here. You’re fired … for real!”

Clinton has been hammering Sanders on gun control throughout the campaign and, interestingly, according to the report, “one of the film’s stars, John Cusack, opened the press conference by citing the statistics of the number people shot and killed in the city this year so far. The tally stands at 73 to date.”