Colorado 4th District Judge Gilbert Martinez told the Colorado Supreme Court that details regarding the background and home contents of Planned Parenthood shooter Robert Lewis Dear “should stay sealed.”

He made clear his belief that affidavits acquired via Dear’s arrest should remain sealed, as well.

Martinez sealed all the materials with an order from his court and is asking the Colorado Supreme Court to uphold the order.

According to KRDO 13, numerous outlets, including the Associated Press, have petitioned to have the seal lifted so specifics about Dear can be ascertained.

The AP and other outlets “argue the public has a constitutional right to monitor the court system” and know what was learned about Dear. But Martinez counters that the media do not “have a First Amendment right to access court records, and releasing the details could jeopardize Dear’s case.”

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at