GOP frontrunner Donald Trump responded to Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-TX) challenge to sue him over what Trump claims are false ads against him by the Cruz campaign.

“Time will tell, Teddy,” Trump taunted about possibly suing the Texas Senator, who has said Trump is against the Second Amendment and supports Obamacare — two allegations Trump says are completely false.

According to CNN’s Jeff Simon, Trump stated:

Ted Cruz has already had one of his ads pulled off the air concerning Senator Rubio because it was totally false. Additionally, he was forced to apologize to Dr. Ben Carson for fraudulently stealing his votes in Iowa, and was embarrassed by his phony voter violation form. He is a liar and these ads and statements made by Cruz are clearly desperate moves by a guy who is tanking in the polls – watching his campaign go up in flames finally explains Cruz’s logo. I am pro-life and I do not support tax payer funding for Planned Parenthood as long as they are performing abortions. I have been clear about my position on this issue for years. I am also a strong advocate of the second amendment and a proud member of the NRC, as are my sons. I will repeal and replace ObamaCare and I would nominate a very conservative Justice to protect our freedoms and conservative values. If I want to bring a lawsuit it would be legitimate. Likewise, if I want to bring the lawsuit regarding Senator Cruz being a natural born Canadian I will do so. Time will tell, Teddy.