Wednesday on MSNBC’s Town Hall, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said of President Barack Obama recently expressing doubts on his candidacy that Obama wouldn’t have won reelection if it were he as the GOP nominee instead of former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA).

Host Mika Brzezinski said, “President Obama even talked about you saying ‘I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president. And the reason is I have a lot of faith in the American people. And I think they recognize that being president is a serious job. It’s not hosting a talk show or reality show. It’s not promotion. It’s not marketing. It’s hard.’ The sitting president, Mr. Trump, thinks your candidacy is an aberration or a joke.”

Trump said, “I don’t think he does at all. I tell you what, if I would have run four years ago, he wouldn’t be president right now. I don’t think he thinks that at all. It’s very interesting, it’s very interesting with President Obama, he’s going to go down as one of the worst presidents in the history of this country. He has been a disaster on the military. You look at what — we can’t beat ISIS. He’s been a disaster on health care because Obamacare has got to be repealed and replaced. I’m not talking about from my standpoint, rates are going up, your premiums are going up, 25, 35, 45, 55 percent.”

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