Wednesday on the “Hugh Hewitt Show,” Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson said Democrats play the race card “anytime they don’t get their way like little children having a temper tantrum.”

Hewitt played a clip of  Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton accusing Republicans of “talking in coded racial language” and demonizing President Barack Obama to “encourage the ugliest impulses of the paranoid fringe.”

When Hewitt asked Carson if she spoke in “coded racial language,” Carson said, “Well, I mean, I think she does. And you know, they’re always going to bring up the race issue anytime they don’t get their way like little children having a temper tantrum. It’s kind of comical, quite frankly. And you know, if everything is racial, why aren’t they saying that any problems that I have are because of racial prejudice? You know, why does it always only go in one direction. That makes no sense.”

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