Conservative author and talk radio host Mark Levin will launch a subscription-based online television show, LevinTV, on March 7.

According to CRTV, “LevinTV will be America’s new televised Town Hall meeting and is the next step in the evolution of digital conservative media.”

Levin, who hosts the popular and influential “The Mark Levin Show” on radio, recently received a lifetime contract for his radio program.

“I have the greatest audience in the world and I give them my best every night,” Levin said in a statement. “I am thrilled we are expanding our Town Hall meeting place for patriots, by taking TV broadcasting to a new level on multiple platforms where I will speak directly to my audience — uncensored, without middlemen, and commercial free.” Levin added, “I make no excuses for my patriotism, I am proud of it, and LevinTV will reflect it. It’s about time there is a place on television where people can go and have their principles, beliefs, and values reinforced rather than attacked.”

The six-time New York Times bestseller has been referred to as the “intellectual leader of the conservative movement. As Breitbart News has reported, his 2010 book, Liberty and Tyranny, sold over a million copies without any reviews in the mainstream press” and is largely credited with laying out Tea Party principles before the modern Tea Party movement existed.

Levin, known as the “The Great One,” is also the Editor-in-Chief of Conservative Review. In the 1980s, Levin was Chief of Staff for Ed Meese, President Ronald Reagan’s Attorney General.

Here is information on how potential viewers can subscribe to LevinTV:

His inaugural episode, along with hours of preview material, can be accessed on any digital or mobile device. Levin’s loyal audience and new fans alike can subscribe for an entire year for $59 (just $4.92 a month) saving $10 off the regular price of $69 a year by subscribing on or before March 7. Monthly subscription fees are $7.99. By keeping subscription prices low, LevinTV will be accessible to a large and growing audience.

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