Latino activist and United Farm Workers co-founder Dolores Huerta blasted Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) supporters in Nevada for chanting “English only” at her while she tried to translate for Spanish-speaking caucus-goers.

After Clinton’s win in the Nevada caucus on Saturday, Huerta Tweeted directly to Sanders, saying, “Shame on your supporters for depriving Spanish speaking caucus goers of info they need for full participation!”

“I offered to translate & Bernie supporters chanted English only! We fought too long & hard to be silenced Si Se Puede!” Huerta Tweeted.

Actress America Ferrera first publicized the incident, which was picked up by reporters.

DREAMer advocate Jose Antonio Vargas also Tweeted directly to Sanders: “You must address this. Asap.”

Clinton underperformed among Hispanics in Nevada as entrance polls had her losing the Latino vote to Sanders. Huerta campaigned for Clinton and Nevada and slammed Sanders for his opposition to amnesty legislation ahead of Saturday’s vote.

“I like Bernie. He’s a nice guy. I have no doubt he means well. Latinos matter in this election, and he knows it. But my question for Bernie is, where the heck was he for the last 25 years? Where was he on immigration reform? On indefinite detentions? On vigilante justice against undocumented workers? He was nowhere. That’s where,” she wrote in a Medium post.