Republican presidential candidate Florida Senator Marco Rubio declared, “this has become a three-person race, and we will win the nomination” and “the children of the Reagan Revolution are ready to assume the mantle of leadership” in a speech after the South Carolina primary on Saturday.

Rubio, after congratulating fellow candidate Donald Trump on his win, declared, “[A]fter tonight, this has become a three-person race, and we will win the nomination.”

After praising former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who suspended his campaign earlier in the night, Rubio said, “Tonight here in South Carolina, the message is pretty clear. This country is now ready for a new generation of conservatives to guide us into the 21st century. … 36 years ago, this nation faced a period of doubt. After a failed presidency, it felt like America was in decline. Our economy was stagnant, and the American Dream felt like it was slipping away. And then we elected a president that inspired us, a president who asked us to remember who we were, and who believed, as we do, that America’s greatest days always lie ahead. Ronald Reagan made us believe that it was morning in America again, and it was. Well, now the children of the Reagan Revolution are ready to assume the mantle of leadership. Now, those of us who grew up when it was morning in America, and Ronald Reagan was in the White House, are ready to do for our generation — are ready to do for the next generation what Ronald Reagan did for ours.”

Rubio continued, “[T]he 21st century conservatives are the son of a single mother, who grew up in poverty, and was almost lost, and today he serves this state as its junior senator, Tim Scott (R). The 21st century conservative movement is the daughter of immigrants from India, who wanted desperately for their children to have all the opportunities they never did, who faced the [sting] of prejudice, and yet, because of the greatness of our country, today, Nikki Haley is the governor of a state where it’s always a great day. And the 21st century conservative movement is the son of a bartender and a maid from Cuba, who tonight, stands one step closer to being the 45th president of the United States of America.”

He further stated South Carolina would be the state of “new beginnings and fresh starts” for him.

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