Sen. Marco Rubio is going after rival Donald Trump again this morning, accusing the billionaire candidate of being a “fraud” and a “con artist.”

Rubio launched an initial barrage of attacks against the billionaire during Thursday night’s Houston debate.

“We’re on the verge of having someone take over the conservative movement who is a con artist,” Rubio said on the Today Show, accusing Trump of spending his career “sticking it to working Americans.”

He admitted that Trump was on the cusp of victory ahead of Super Tuesday and urged conservatives to join his campaign so that he could “stop the lunacy” before it was too late.

Rubio also challenged Trump for being a “fraud” and attacked some of his multiple brands for failing.

“I mean this is a guy that’s taken Trump airlines bankrupt, Trump vodka, nobody wanted it, Trump mortgage, was a disaster, Trump university was a fraud,” he said.

Rubio asserted that Trump was inflating his net worth, which was another reason why he wouldn’t release his tax returns and accused him of “lying” about being audited by the IRS.

“I mean he’s not as rich as he claims to be, everybody in finance knows that and his taxes would expose that … he came up with this just now of an audit, it’s absurd.”

Rubio critiqued the media for failing to hold Trump accountable for his multiple failures, while he said he’s being held to higher scrutiny.

“He’s being treated with kid gloves by many in the media in the hopes that he’s the nominee,” Rubio said. “Some of them are biased, they’d love to see a liberal like Donald Trump take over the Republican party and others know he is easy to beat once he gets there.”

He characterized himself as the savior of the conservative movement from Trump’s trickery, urging activists to join his campaign to stop the billionaire.

“We cannot turn over the Reagan revolution to someone who has spent a career of sticking it to working people and now claims to be their champion,” Rubio concluded.