Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson argued that while Democrats “have had a history” of “exploiting” black people, the Black Lives Matter movement is showing the “humanity of the Democrats” as opposed to the “inhumanity” of Republicans on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time.”

Dyson said, “[T]he Black Lives Matter [movement] implicitly are proving the humanity of the Democrats, because at least they’re humane enough to respond in kind to them. The Republicans don’t give a flying damn about what’s going on there, and therefore, they prove their inhumanity.”

Dyson added that Democrats have taken black people for granted, and that “there is no problem with Black Lives Matter challenging them, because the Democrats have had a history…of exploiting those black people.”

He concluded, “But, at the end of the day, I think that Hillary Clinton, is not only the smartest person, the most prepared person, but the person who has given the most credible empirical analysis of race in the last 20 years by a major American politician. I’ll stand by that.”

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