An influential anti-Christian gay group is gaming reporters on how to talk and write about transsexuals and others who are confused about their sex.

Debunking the ‘Bathroom Bill’ Myth — Accurate Reporting on LGBT Nondiscrimination: A Guide for Journalists” issued by GLAAD (formerly the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) is also a not-so-veiled threat against reporters who do not tow the party line, since the group publishes regular attacks on those who do not go along with the new sexual ideology.

The report comes on the heels of the defeat of the “bathroom bill,” officially known as the Houston Equal Right Ordinance. “Bathroom Bills” are city ordinances that purport to give equal rights in housing and employment to transsexuals but that opponents argue would allow biological men dressed as women into bathrooms and locker rooms used by girls and their moms.

GLAAD tells reporters that “bathroom bill” is offensive. “Transsexual” is offensive. “Biological men” is offensive. And “men dressed as women” is offensive.

GLAAD says much is offensive in how people talk about those who claim their outward gender does not match their inward gender. GLAAD insists that gender is “assigned at birth” and that a person can later choose his gender based on he feels and about himself.

Other offensive terms and phrases include “transgenders”, “a transgender”, “transgendered”, “transgenderism”, “sex change”, “pre-operative”, “post-operative”, “biologically male”, “biologically female”, “genetically male”, “genetically female”, “born a man”, “born a woman”, “tranny”, “she-male”, “he/she”, and “it”.

Acceptable terms include “cisgender”, “gender nonconforming,” “gender queer,” “transition,” “transgender man,” and “transgender woman.”