GOP frontrunner Donald Trump told supporters at his campaign rally in Bentonville, Arkansas on Saturday that he would only shop at Walmart if he wins their state, but he spent most of his time attacking rival Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), who called Trump a con artist earlier in the day.

“Maybe I’ll start shopping permanently at Walmart if we win Arkansas. I’ll never go anywhere else,” the billionaire joked, as Walmart’s headquarters are in Arkansas.

Trump then turned to criticizing his opponents, saying Sen. Marco Rubio has a little mouth on him that “goes bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing.”

“He calls me a con artist,” Trump mocked, saying, “Little Rubio — this guy has a fresh mouth. He’s a very nasty guy.”

Trump referenced how he has called Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX a liar, but charged, “Rubio is worse.”

“I have never seen any human being sweat like this guy,” he added. “He wouldn’t get elected to any office. They cannot stand him,” Trump alleged about Florida voters. “He abandoned them.”

Trump also recalled New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s attack against Rubio’s memorized lines during a previous GOP debate.

“I’m getting ready to grab him because I thought he was out. He starts sweating and honestly, this is true,” Trump told his supporters at the rally, saying he thought Rubio was going down and that he was going to have to help grab him.

“Why doesn’t he get indicted?” Trump questioned about Rubio, alleging that Rubio built a driveway using funds from Florida’s Republican Party and had to reimburse the state party and also made a profit from selling a house to a lobbyist.

Trump said Cruz and Rubio both lie, but added, “Cruz is smarter than Rubio.”

“I’ve never met people that could lie like these guys,” Trump charged, adding that they are “world class liars.”

Trump also referenced Ohio Gov. John Kasich, saying he took out nasty ads against Trump.

However, the real estate mogul didn’t criticized Dr. Ben Carson, saying the other candidates are controlled by lobbyists, but clarifying, “not Ben, because Ben is not controlled by them. Ben is such a nice guy.”