Eric Trump tells Breitbart News executive chairman and host Stephen K. Bannon his father and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump will do “incredibly well” on Super Tuesday and will immediately begin construction of a border wall to stem the extreme levels of illegal immigration flowing into the U.S.

“Right now, we’re leading in nine of the eleven states and we’re very close in the other two,” Trump said. “I think a good performance tomorrow seals this up.”

Trump noted that his father received the endorsement of 13 Hours authors Kris Paronto, John Tiegen, and Mark Geist, along with other prominent law enforcement figures. “You have ICE agents coming out, because we’re the only ones who will build this wall. My father will build the wall so fast, people’s heads will spin. And he will, in fact, make Mexico pay for it. There’s no question about it.”

Senator Sessions — he’s an incredibly respected guy who I do think is frustrated with what’s happening in Washington, D.C. And it’s amazing. It’s amazing to see the outcry… I can’t walk through an airport without having 200 people come up to me, telling me: ‘Eric, tell your father to go all the way. We need him. He’s going to cut through the nonsense. He’s going to cut through the BS. And again, I’m proud of him. This is a guy who’s self-funding his campaign. He hasn’t taken a penny from anybody. You see this attacks from Rubio and Cruz the last couple days, and they smack of desperation and this point, because they’re so far behind in the polls. Their SuperPACs are telling them: Go get Trump! Say this, say that.

“At first, I thought it was just politics,” Trump continued. “But now I think they’re bad people, to tell you the truth.”

He also praised his father’s skyrocket rise in state and national polls as Republican voters, increasingly joined by independents, throw their weight behind the real estate mogul: “He’s a guy who got into politics seven months ago, and he’s winning the race for commander-in-chief.”

Trump has racked up powerful endorsements in past few days, most notably conservative stalwart Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions on Saturday, along with National ICE Council president Chris Crane, and Disney workers forced to retrain immigrants the company brought in to replace them on the cheap. Earlier in the week, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie also formally endorsed Trump.

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