Donald Trump Jr. tells a group of voters in Elko, Nevada that his father–Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump–fully supports the Second Amendment right to shoot back in self-defense when under attack.

Trump Jr. introduced himself to Elko voters, saying:

If you do any research on me you’ll see I’m a competitive high power shooter–long range–obviously a big hunter and I reload myself. …The Second Amendment means something to me. It’s the Second Amendment. It’s not like it was some sort of crazy after thought that happened over a 100 years later. It’s number two, after the pretty basic rights of freedom of speech.

He then transitioned to his father, saying:

I’ll say this about my father, and he’ll never get the credit for it because he’s from New York, but when San Bernardino happened, when the Paris attacks happened, my father was the first guy and the only guy who say, ‘Hey guys, in these places where you have the toughest gun laws in the world, if there were a couple of bullets flying the other way maybe that changes the game a little bit.’

On January 10 Breitbart News reported that GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump was on Meet the Press when he told host Chuck Todd that an armed citizenry reminds bad guys that “bullets go both ways.” He added:

If in Paris or if in California recently, where the fourteen people were killed and probably others to follow–in terms of that group because you have some people who are very, very badly wounded–if in Paris they had guns or if in California [they had guns,] on the other side, where the bullets go both ways, not just in one direction. You wouldn’t have had the kind of carnage that you had.

On April 11, 2015, Trump told Breitbart News, “It is absolutely imperative that we maintain the Second Amendment in its strongest form.”

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at