Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has won Oklahoma after billionaire Donald Trump led for the majority of the day. Oklahoma has a closed primary, unlike the previous states, which means only registered Republicans can vote in the primary.

With 73% of precincts reporting, Cruz won 34.3% of the vote.

Throughout the evening, Trump’s lead dwindled as more precincts reported. Cruz has won almost 94,000 votes.

If he reaches 50%, the state will reward him with all 43 delegates. If he stays under the threshold, “the delegates are awarded proportionally to candidates who receive 15 percent of the vote.”

“If you want to beat Donald Trump, we’ve got to get to a head-to-head, one-on-one race,” Cruz said before he cast his vote in Houston, TX. “What Donald is benefiting from is a fractured opposition.”

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) only pulled in 23% of the vote after his campaign insisted on a strong showing on Super Tuesday. From Bloomberg:

But in the final hours before polls close on Super Tuesday—the single biggest day of voting in the Republican primary—Rubio’s team is telling potential supporters that they have significant momentum in at least four states and could even win outright in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Virginia and Minnesota.

“We’re going to have a lot of delegates after tonight and you’re going to see very clearly after tonight that Donald Trump has no chance of ever getting the delegates he needs to be the nominee,” Rubio told reporters today.