HOUSTON, Texas – Calling Donald Trump insincere on his pledges regarding immigration reform, Texas Ted Cruz demanded that Trump “release the tape,” referring to the New York Times interview. Cruz came out to speak to a packed house at the Redneck Country Club in Southwest Houston and declared victory in both Texas and Oklahoma and delivered his “morning in America” speech.

The hometown crowd of more than 1500 faithful came out to support their favorite son in his victories in Texas and Oklahoma. Cruz was introduced to the crowd by Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick who heads his Texas campaign.

Cruz opened his remarks by thanking the Texas audience. “God Bless the Lone Star State, and God Bless the great state of Oklahoma.”

Heidi Cruz entertains her daughters while waiting for Ted Cruz to speak. (Photo: Breitbart Texas/Lana Shadwick)

The senator said that “tonight, the voters have spoken.” He called on his fellow opponents to drop out and let him take on Trump by himself.

He said his campaign is the only campaign that “has beaten and will beat Donald Trump’s.” He has now beat Trump in three races.

He urged the candidates who have not yet won a state, or who have not yet won a significant number of delegates to drop out and join him on the stage. “Head to head, our campaign beats Donald Trump resoundingly.”

The Texas senator went on to talk about his record as a proven conservative who has defended the Constitution.

He said Trump will “expand Obamacare into socialized medicine.”

He returned to his campaign promises for his first day in office and then blasted Trump for “funding the Gang of 8.”

The senator then laid out a series of his differences with Mr. Trump. “I will never compromise on religious liberty.” He pledged to support the 2nd Amendment and to “stand unapologetically with the nation of Israel.”

“Donald Trump has been part of the Washington corruption for 40 years,” Cruz alleged. He said Trump is not sincere about his position on immigration. “Donald, release the tape,” referring to the New York Times recorded interview.

Bob Price is a senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas and a member of the original Breitbart Texas team. He is also a Life Member of the NRA. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.