Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) was asked about former Gov. Mitt Romney’s (R-MA), the 2012 GOP presidential nominee and running mate for Ryan, decision to give a speech condemning the candidacy of current party presidential front-runner Donald Trump.

Ryan declined to express his opinion on any of the candidates, declaring himself a neutral arbiter as the chairman of the the Republican Party’s nominating convention.

“I know Mitt feels strongly about this election and he’s going to speak his mind,” Ryan said. “Mitt’s one of our leaders. He’s a principled conservative. He’s worried for the future of our party. I’m just going to let it speak for what it is. So, I’m not going to get into who endorsed who in 2012. You know, if you’re the nominee of the party, you’re going to want everybody’s endorsement.”

“We don’t have a nominee yet,” he continued. “This thing still has a ways to play out. So, people who are in the party are going to be speaking their minds while we are selecting a nominee, and so everything is fair game on the way to the nomination. It’s just that is what it is.”

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