In a move that will inevitably cause deep concern among social conservative voters, it is reported that billionaire Paul Singer will be named finance chairman of the Marco Rubio campaign.

Singer is infamous among social conservatives for funding pro-homosexual initiatives at the state level, nationally, and even internationally.

Singer was the leader of a group of super-wealthy men dedicated to overturning the traditional marriage laws around the country prior to the imposition of gay marriage by the Supreme Court. Brian Brown of the National Organization of Marriage says pro-marriage forces were set to win in New York state, for instance, until Singer and his colleagues’ report intervened with GOP lawmakers who had committed to protect traditional marriage.

Singer has also committed himself to overturning the platform of the GOP to be more pro-homosexual and to eliminate the plank that supports man-woman marriage.

Internationally, Singer funded a campaign run by the anti-Christian Human Rights Campaign that attacked American Christian leaders for getting involved in marriage fights overseas. The report issued by HRC and funded by Singer paints people like Brian Brown of NOM and Ben Bull of Alliance Defending Freedom, two widely respected conservative leaders, as little more than criminals, complete with mug shots.

Singer announced his support of Rubio months ago, much to the chagrin of social conservative leaders. Rubio spokesmen insist that the presence of Singer on the inside of the campaign will not have any impact on Rubio’s support for man-woman marriage.