Tuesday night Donald Trump scored wins in primary states Michigan and Mississippi and as results came in, the hashtag #IfTrumpWins began trending on Twitter across the United States, putting on display ugly anti-Trump hate with unimaginative Hitler and KKK comparisons.

The #IfTrumpWins scenario hashtag seemed to take off from the account for a late night game show on Comedy Central that revived the previously used hashtag:

The ugliness of Twitter hate then spawned the unimaginative Hitler comparison:

After someone responded “what” to that tweet, this:

Here was another comparison to the Nazi leader:

And yet another:

And then there was a reference to North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un:

And then then came the KKK references:

The Arabs for Bernie Sanders Twitter account tweeted:

Several tweets also hit on Trump’s border wall and suggested Canada would build a wall on the U.S. northern border.

Then came a reference to Trump’s suggestion to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the United States:

Some chose to tweet about anatomy size and others made disparaging comments about Trump’s wife Melania.

Some Trump supporters jumped on the hashtag with comments supportive of the GOP frontrunner:

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