Thursday Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for president of the United States.

Partial transcript as follows:

LEE: He promised he would oppose efforts to undermine religious liberty. He has kept those promises and every other promise he has made to the people of Texas. It is with that trust that he has earned that he will move forward and unite our party. Too many people throughout this country have been told over and over again by the political establishment in Washington, D.C. that our best days are behind us, that we have to settle for the status quo, sluggish economic growth, more of the same, business as usual in Washington. Ted doesn’t believe you have to settle. Ted doesn’t believe you should settle. There is a big difference  between confusion and confidence, and Ted is that difference. There is a big difference between platitudes and a plan, and Ted is that difference. There’s a big difference between slogans and substance, and Ted is the difference. It’s time for us to recognize that we don’t have to settle. We don’t have to settle for slogans that can fit on a bumper sticker. Expect substance. Don’t settle for a federal government that is over barring at home and projects weakness abroad. Expect a federal government the protects you and your rights. It’s time to expect more. It’s time to expect freedom. It’s time to elect Ted Cruz as the next president of the United States.

When we look at this presidential election cycle, one of the many things that comes to mind is the fact that when the — with the recent death of the late Justice Antonin Scalia, a lot of people wonder who is going to fill the vacancy, who will fill that role, and who is going to name the person who will fill that role. One of the great things about Ted Cruz is that Americans can know with confidence that Ted Cruz will take an outstanding person to fill Antonin Scalia’s position on the Supreme Court of the United States. They can also stand with confidence in knowing that this is a man who knows his family. I have seen Ted stand with them and for them. I have seen him stand with and for his father and four in with his mother. And you know, he will stand for you. He will stand for every mother, father, son, and daughter in America. He will do what he said. he will speak the truth, just as he has in the United States senate.

Today, I call on all within the sound of my voice to join me in this cause, to look forward to the first 100 days of a Ted Cruz presidency, 100 days that will be marked by reform, a reform that will restore the greatness of our economic mobility society. We have seen in recent years that economic mobility has been in dangers. We have seen the poor and middle class being held back. We see economic opportunity fading as ground deals and rich and empower incumbents who are already enriched and empowered. Ted Cruz will work to undo that into restore the greatness of the American people, to put the power back where it belongs which is with the people. It is time, my fellow Americans, and in particular today, my fellow Republicans, to unite behind one candidate. that candidate is Ted Cruz.

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