This week former Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma jumped into the “Why is Trump winning?” contest and immediately moved to the lead among establishment Republicans.

Coburn’s attack on Donald Trump for his comments on Islam bumped the government of Mexico to number two and the Pope to three. Former presidential candidate Jeb Bush appears to have a lock on fourth place.

Coburn did not elaborate on exactly what behavior he has in mind, but it is clear that to him, the root of the problem of radical Islamic attacks on Americans is in us, not in Islam. We have to change, not Islam. We must become more “welcoming,” more tolerant, more accommodating to Islam’s demands.

Then the beheadings will stop? Really?

Coburn challenged Trump’s statement in a Wednesday CNN interview that, “I think Islam hates us…There is an unbelievable hatred of us.”  Coburn disagreed and said, “What they hate is some of the behavior that our country has now embraced.”

Now, that sweet affirmation of willful blindness may get a passing grade at UC Berkeley or Swarthmore, but it ain’t passing the smell test in Tulsa or Times Square. Trump knows differently, and so do ordinary citizens everywhere. They’ve had enough of political correctness, and the “religion of peace” flag is not helping the establishment’s job approval rating.

What “behavior” did Coburn have in mind? What American behavior provoked the hatred motivating those 19 Muslims on 9/11, fifteen of them from Saudi Arabia, a supposed Middle East ally?

Senator Coburn was not content to merely disagree with Trump, he had to misquote and distort what Trump said. Trump did not say all Muslims hate America. He said “Islam hates us.” There is a huge — dare I say, even a YUGE — difference between Islam hating America and “all Muslims” hating America.

The inconvenient fact is that what Trump said about Islam is demonstrably true: At its core — in its most sacred texts, in its official intolerance for all “infidels,” in its advocacy for Sharia law as a universal system that subordinates and subjugates all other faiths —Islam hates the very idea of America.

Most Americans have a hard time grasping and accepting that a religion can be at war with America; it is a foreign, really an un-American concept. Americans wonder why Islam is different –“Why can’t we all just get along?” Quakers, Catholics, Presbyterians, Jews, Buddhists, and Mormons — all live together in relative tranquility with freedom of religion protected by the First Amendment.  Why is Islam different?

Yet, unlike Senator Coburn, most Americans do understand there is something fundamentally hostile about Islam’s attitude toward Europe and America, something that is not explained by the “religion of peace” mantra they have heard from our leaders, from George Bush to Barack Obama, and more recently from Jeb Bush to Tom Coburn.

There are an estimated 1.6 billion Muslims on the planet. Do the math. If only one percent of them hate America enough to actively plot our destruction, that would be 16 million jihadists plotting our destruction– not a few thousand scattered across the deserts of Syria, Afghanistan, and North Africa.  And some of them live in Detroit, San Bernardino, Dallas, and Atlanta.

But the threat from Islam is deeper than the armed jihadists plotting terrorist attacks.

When Americans ask that the 75,000 Syrian Muslim migrants being brought to our shores by Obama be screened for jihadist views and sympathies, and Congress does nothing, something is wrong. Americans are not “anti-immigrant” in asking such questions, they are only being sensible. Trump is pointing a finger at politicians’ inexplicable complacency and asking, “Why?”

Trump is willing to openly discuss the scope and seriousness of this existential threat.  He’s not the only presidential candidate who has done that– so has Ted Cruz. But when Trump does it, he gets attacked mercilessly as a “Xenophobe.”

What is clear is that the attacks on Trump for violating political correctness in raising the Islamist issue only expand his popularity. The establishment has been slow to learn that lesson: thanks to self-deluded idiots like Tom Coburn, Donald Trump’s chances of being elected President of the United States are growing.