Concerned Women for America (CWA) CEO and President Penny Nance announced just one day before March 15 primary decisions in five states that she has chosen to personally support candidate Sen. Ted Cruz for president.

“You know American woman have carried every presidential election since 1964,” said Nance in an announcement of the endorsement, going on:

I’ve thought long and hard about who should be our next President. So many issues hang in the balance, the issue of life, marriage, we have between one and maybe even four Supreme Court Justices that are going to be appointed by the next President. I have spent a lifetime working to support conservative principles. And believe me I prayed and labored over who I think should be our next President but today I’ve made a decision and so I’m coming to you in front of the White House to let you be the first to know. Today I’m announcing my support for Ted Cruz for President.

Nance joined Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM Patriot 125 in December and emphasized, “politicos in Washington and the Left refuse to recognize what’s at stake” when it comes to the battle against radical Islam. She blamed Washington, D.C., Hillary Clinton, and the feminists that fail to hold them accountable for failing to recognize the threat.

Nance has been a strong pro-life advocate as well as for traditional marriage. Last June she told Breitbart News Sunday listeners, “We can try to go forward with a constitutional amendment,” to push back against the Supreme Court decision to supersede the will of most states and force homosexual marriage on Americans. Nance made mention of former Republican presidential nomination contenders Gov. Scott Walker and former Gov. Mike Huckabee and now remaining contender Cruz.

In the June interview, Nance went on to urge, “We’ve got to do it, clear our throats and have the conversation [with our neighbors] or we’re not going to win, because… politics is downstream from public opinion.”

“I am honored to have the endorsement of Penny,” Cruz said in response to Nance’s endorsement.

She has spent her lifetime standing up and defending issues that are most important to conservatives like life and marriage. She has been a tireless voice for liberty, inspiring thousands nationwide. Penny is a strong and principled woman of faith. I am thrilled to have her leadership and looking forward to continue to coalesce conservatives around this campaign.

The endorsement comes just a few months after a December meeting of 50 conservative leaders. According to a National Review report, Nance indicated at the time that she was not going to endorse in the presidential race.

Republican primary voters in five states — Florida, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois and North Carolina — will decide on March 15 which candidate will win their state’s delegates. Most of those states are some version of winner-take-all contests. Florida will award the greatest number of delegates in the five with 99 in a winner-take-all contest. Sen. Marco Rubio looks to be in a battle with Cruz for second/third place in Rubio’s home state of Florida, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News/Marist poll released on Sunday — frontrunner Donald Trump held the first place position in that poll.

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