Welcome to Breitbart News’s daily live updates of the 2016 horserace. All times eastern.

7:29: Agitators from Salad Bowl America taunting Trump supporters as they leave his rally:

6:56: Trump sees a “Latinos Support Trump” and asks the woman holding the sign to get up on stage. “That means so much to me,” Trump says.

6:51: Trump says we’re getting rid of this “ridiculous sanctuary cities.” “It’s over for sanctuary cities,” he says. Trump says we will renegotiate trade deals

6:43: Trump calls “Lyin’ Ted Cruz” and Kasich the two “leftovers.” He says Mormons like people who “don’t lie” and that’s why they won’t vote for “Lyin’ Ted Cruz.”

6:37: Trump says a protester is throwing the American flag and if he had a match, he would burn it.

6:35: Trump says the country will be “unified” if he becomes president and gets ready to read the lyrics to Al Wilson’s “The Snake.”

6:33: Trump says illegal immigration is “tremendously bad for our jobs and economic development.” He says if we don’t have borders, “we don’t have a country.”

6:29: Trump says he won’t “choke like a dog” like Romney. He’ll sink that putt, get that hit. When another protester interrupts Trump’s rally, he says “we want to love our protesters.” Then he promptly says, “get ’em out of here.” He calls the protester a “disgusting guy” for putting on a KKK hat.

6:26: Trump says protesters are sent in by “Bernie” and “Hillary.” Trump says as soon as the police started arresting the protesters who were blocking the road to his earlier rally, they all dispersed.

6:25: Trump rally interrupted by protester. “We love our protesters, don’t we?” Trump says.

6:22: Trump reportedly meeting with Congressional Republicans ahead of AIPAC speech.

6:15: Arpaio says “we locked up some demonstrators and threw them in jail.” Arpaio says he wants to “pay a visit” to agitators outside who are trying to disrupt the event. He says he doesn’t think it’s right that they are agitating. Arpaio says if people are here illegally, “they should be deported.” He says his mother and father came from “Italy legally” and he just drinks the “olive oil,” which “keeps me  young.”

6:12: Brewer says everyone in Arizona knows what illegal immigration has done to the state. She says we all “believe in the rule of law–come legally.” Brewer says Trump believes in the “rule of law” and “he’s going to build that wall.”

6:10: Jan Brewer ready to speak at Trump’s Tuscon rally.

6:08: Black Pro Trump Protester: Blacks Are Out Of Jobs Due To Mexican Immigration, ‘Trump For President!’

6:05: AZ Mom Who Lost Son to Illegal Explains Why She Endorsed Trump over Cruz

6:00: From Breitbart’s Kassam:

5:51: [Tony Lee: Take a look at all of the anti-Trump tacticians. Ask yourselves this: Are they good at combating Democrats/mainstream media on their turf? Nope. Democrats like Axelrod, Begala wipe the floor with these people. Are they good at appealing to young voters, urban voters, minorities? Do these people look like folks regular Americans would want to hang out with? Nope. None of these voters will take them seriously–just like they won’t take “Reformicons” or Eric Cantor or Paul Ryan seriously. Are they good at understanding the concerns of the GOP base? Nope–or they would have seen that Trump–and his message–would resonate a long time ago. So what are these hacks good for except being professional small-minded tacticians? Notice the politicians that drive them the craziest are the ones–like Dr. Ben Carson, Palin, Trump–who don’t need them to be middlemen to get their message out to the people. These people are insecure to begin with and realizing that they aren’t even relevant anymore in politics just makes them angry. None of these people seem like they are content with their lives, so it must be even more upsetting to realize they no longer matter in the one industry in which they though they were relevant and in the “in crowd” of dweebs.]

5:49: Anti-Trump folks in the conservative industrial complex floating Rick Perry, one of the faces of the conservative industrial complex/cronyism, as a possible third-party candidate. Good luck with that:

The former Texas governor who was suggested as a possible third-party candidate at a meeting of conservative activists on Thursday in Washington.

5:45: Moronic: Anti-Trump folks plans a “comprehensive study.” [Professional D.C. tacticians need to make money.]

David McIntosh, president of the conservative Club for Growth, which has spent millions on ads attacking Mr. Trump, said his group met on Wednesday and concluded it was still possible to avert Mr. Trump’s nomination. The group plans a comprehensive study of Trump supporters to sharpen a message aimed at driving them away from him.

5:37: Seen at Trump rally:

5:15: Agitators chanting “Trump not welcome.” Protesters yelling “stand up for them” when speaker asks “what do we do when Muslims are under attack?” They are also chanting “Trump is a racist. And so are his supporters.” [Tony Lee: Salad Bowl America at its worst here.]

5:05: More protesters in Arizona reportedly chanting in Spanish ahead of Trump’s rally. Breitbart News on the ground in Arizona:

5:00: Trump protesters getting ready in Tuscon:

[Tony Lee: When Trump talks about making America Great Again in Tuscon as disrupters do their best to agitate, citizens in Arizona must be thinking back to the days when the great Lute Olson was coaching Arizona basketball. Steve Kerr was draining threes from the cactus logo. Sean Elliott led the team to the Final Four against Oklahoma (even Kenny Lofton was on the team). A decade later, Miles Simon, A.J. Bramlett, Mike Bibby, Jason “Socks” Terry, Bennett Davison, Michael Dickerson, et al. finally brought home a national championship. Nothing wrong with those days at all. I grew up in Southern California, but I’ve always rooted for Arizona basketball and thoroughly enjoyed visiting Tuscon.]

4:55: Left-winger Jonathan Chait harsher on anti-Trump agitators than Ted Cruz, who blamed Trump first just like liberals blame America first for everything:

4:47: Video: Anti-Trump, Anti-Police Chants from NYC Protesters

4:39: Video: Protester Dressed as Trump Offers ‘Beat Up Trump’ for Cash

4:08: From Breitbart’s Kassam:

4:00: Video from anti-Trump NYC rally:

Breitbart’s Lee Stranahan: Socialist “Minder” shuts down Breitbart interview:

3:55: Trump supporter at anti-Trump NYC rally:

(Photo: Raheem Kassam/Breitbart News)

3:49: Ailes on Trump:

3:39: Some Trump supporters had to walk to the rally because of the left-wing agitators:

3:35: Kasich wants Senate Republicans to sit down with Obama’s Supreme Court nominee:

3:27: Trump says “we’ve become so politically incorrect” that America has become “impotent as a country.” He says our military will be “so strong” and “so respected” and political connections will not determine what equipment the military gets. He also vows to take care of “our great veterans.” He also vows to “win at the border.” He says we will “bring our country back” and “take our country back.” He vows to be a president Americans will be proud of.

3:25: Protesters kept far away from Trump:

3:23: Trump says people are going come into the country “legally, legally, legally.”

3:18: Trump blasts “stiffs” like Mitt Romney. He calls Romney a “loser” who “let us down” and “gave the election to Obama.”

3:15: Trump also blasts Cruz for being weak on illegal immigration and says that will be the “end of him” in Arizona. He blasts Kasich on trade. He says Mexico is a smaller version of China and we better get smart.

3:05: Trump says “we have a silent majority that is no longer silent” and “we’re going to be heard.” Trump says we’re going to make change but it’s not going to be “Obamachange.”

3:03: Trump says “there’s no games” with Arpaio. He says “we have a movement going on” and “we have to make that movement go forward.” Trump says the “establishment doesn’t  know what they are doing” and they have “no clue” and “haven’t won in a long time.” He says the establishment will never win with the people they are talking about and vows to “never let  you down.” Trump says “we’re going to build the wall” and “stop it” when talking about illegal immigrant crime.

3:02: Arpaio, in his home town, says “you can see my house from here.” He says his wife can see him on her porch right now. He speaks about a “little problem” where some demonstrators tried to “disrupt.” Crowd cheers when he says “three of them are in jail.” Arpaio says these agitators are not going to “intimidate you” and the next president of the United States. Arpaio says he’s been involved in a lot of presidential campaigns and he had “gut feeling” from “day one” that Trump would do things differently. Arpaio says we should take away Mexico’s foreign aid if they don’t pay for the wall.

3:00: Trump’s sister receives threatening letter:

2:55: At Trump’s rally, former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer says Trump is going to “build the fence.” Crowd chants “build the wall.” Brewer says “our votes count” and Trump has more than 2 million votes than the other candidates. She says “we’re going to have a big victory on Tuesday” and “President Trump will be back to visit us.”

2:54: From Breitbart’s Kassam in NYC:

“When Donald Trump comes to New York City, the Nypd will not know what to do”  chant protesters in Columbus Circle.

2:52: Trump arrives:

2:50: Jan Brewer will attend Trump’s rally:

2:40: Sheriff Joe:

2:37: In Arizona:

2:35: More from New York:

2:33: And that’s all, folks. NYC protest concludes. Scenes from the protests. Protesters dissipating.

(Photos: Raheem Kassam/Breitbart News)

2:18: Huffington Post Journalist Reported Arrested at NYC Trump protest:

2:15: Protesters now headed to Trump rally. One road now open:

2:12: NYC protesters arrive at Trump Tower. NYPD closes down part of 5th Ave.

2:08: Now three arrests in Arizona:

2:00: From Breitbart’s Kassam:

They’re currently Marchjng down cental Park South. Tried to get into the road. Police blocked them in a big way. One guy shouted he thought he was going to get shot. Police were very light touch but stopped it getting out of control. Masked protesters were urging people to jump the barricades. No one seemed to want to. Lots of chants in Spanish.

1:59: NYPD creates perimeter around Trump Tower:

1:55: NYPD uses mace on protesters:

1:54: Organizer of NYC protests urge protesters to use “sidewalks, not street.”

1:53: Vulgar NYC protesters:

1:50: Three cars towed, one person arrested so far in Arizona:

1:49: Protesters in Arizona causing mayhem:

1:46: Breitbart’s Raheem Kassam in NYC:

It started nervously, with more people on line at the Starbucks at Columbus Circle than there were to protest against Donald Trump. A few fresh faced young girls arrived, humorous signs in tow – ambling around looking for their supporters and friends. In the meantime, there were a handful of pro-Trump people arguing with passers by. Police outnumbered protesters by noon by around 20 to 1.

As time drew on, scores of people entered the circle, eventually taking over just one small segment of it, waving their banners and selling their badges labelled “DUMP TRUMP” and “SAY NOT TO CAPITALISM”.

While there were clearly many Bernie Sanders fans in attendance, the vast majority of those in attendance seemed to be anti-Democrat AND anti-Republican. This is a hard line, revolutionary socialist protest. Chants included “refugees are welcome here” – exactly the same slogans you heard on London’s streets today, as the same type of left wing activists engaged in running battles with nationalist counter protesters on Oxford Street.

Curiously, much of the protest in New York this afternoon revolved around a soccer team, with many of the organisers wearing “New York Cosmos” apparel and waving “AntiFa” (anti-Fascism) banners. The early crowds were very clearly mostly people of Latin American backgrounds, chanting in Spanish, a bunches of young women wearing hijabs.

Then came the revolutionary socialists. One woman told me she would abolish the presidency and have the United States run as a Soviet, committee-style country. Others dressed up as death, the Statue of Liberty, and waved signs insisting that everyone was an immigrant once.

“Fuck Trump,” was a common catchphrase, as various speakers lined up with a small megaphone to shout in the direction of the crowd.

Consensus appears to be that there were around 350 people on Columbus Circle – a busted flush when you consider the event had over 5,000 confirmed attendees on its Facebook page.

Journalists looked equally confused and disappointed, as did the rally goers whispering to each other: “We thought there would be more. How come there’s not more?”

At the time of writing the protest is still on Columbus circle, and due to move down Central Park South towards the Trump Tower.

1:45: “Brandon’s life matters,” she says. She also said that Trump has been a voice for “all of us who have had a loved one killed by an illegal.” She says no politician has “ever stood up for us.” She also said, “isn’t it time that out government gave a damn about Americans?” She says there are plenty of publicly-funded programs for illegal immigrants but none for victims of crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

1:43: Trump rally in Arizona:

1:42: Protesters reportedly being arrested outside Trump’s Arizona rally:

1:40: Anti-Trump rally headed towards Trump Tower:

1:35: Sheriff Joe Arpaio says of the protesters blocking highway, anybody who violates the law “will go to jail.” He says his main mission is to take care of the safety and security of “Trump plus everybody else who lives in that town.”

1:32: Babes for Bernie, Hitler signs at NYC Trump protest:

1:30: Protester who tied himself to car with cables arrested:

1:29: Medical emergency at Arizona Trump protests. Someone reportedly had a heart attack:

1:27: Snipers reportedly on top of buildings near Trump protests:

1:25: Protesters jumped on Jeep that plowed past crowd:

1:20: Jeep reportedly plowed into protesters:

1:15: More disruption in Arizona from the “Brown Wall Against Trump.”

1:11: Arizona anti-Trump protesters causing havoc. According to NBC’s Jacob Rascon, they are now using cables to tie themselves to cars blocking the road to Trump’s event:

12:59: Left-wing anti-Trump protesters are anti-Hillary as well:

12:50: Deputies towing vehicles that were blocking road to Trump’s Arizona event:

12:45: Anti-Trump protesters shut down street in Arizona. Arpaio’s sheriffs now on scene:

12:35: More from anti-Trump rally:

12:30: Vulgar protesters:

12:20: Protesters chanting “Don’t give into racist fear immigrants are welcome here.”

12:19: Around 500 now at anti-Trump rally:

12:11: “Probably 1oo” at anti-Trump rally in NYC:

12:05: In Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arpaio will reportedly police Trump’s rally.

12:02: Almost 100 people:

11:58: Breitbart’s Kassam observes “about 40 people” at anti-Trump NYC protest:

11:55: The question many are asking:

11:50: Breitbart’s Lee Stranahan in NYC:

(Photos: Lee Stranahan/Breitbart News)

11:45: More journalists/cops than anti-Trump protesters in NYC:

11:43: Trump glad to be back in Arizona:

11:35: Looks like a low-energy protest in New York (Breitbart London Editor Raheem Kassam in NYC covering the protests):

11:33: Trump also blasted “Bobo” David Brooks:

11:30: Trump slams ‘crazy Megyn’ again on Twitter:

11:28: Folks, the “Never Trump” movement has just hit a huge, huge  milestone. Their petition has now received a whopping 20,00o signatures! Shouldn’t these professional tacticians have gotten more signatures by now?

11:21: Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) is reportedly encouraging activists not to protest because “Donald Trump feeds off these protests.”

11: 19: Breitbart London Editor Raheem Kassam is in New York covering the protests:

11:17: A group that organizes “white people to break white silence, confront racism & dismantle white supremacy” is calling on whites to show up to New York’s anti-Trump protests.

11:15: Here are some of the organizations sponsoring the New York protests:

Cosmopolitan Antifascists
Black and Pink: NYC
International Working Women’s Day Coalition
Millions March NYC
NYC Shut It Down: The Grand Central Crew #blacklivesmatter
NYC Solidarity with Palestine
Peoples Power Assemblies
Queer Detainee Empowerment Project
Revolutionaries Against Gendered Oppression Everywhere [RAGE]
Revolutionary Student Coordinating Committee
Students for Justice in Palestine

11:10: The group “Cosmopolitan Antifascists” will be leading the New York protests. The group states:

Donald J. Trump has made headlines in recent months with his divisive rhetoric, hate speech, and extremist plans to “make America great again”. We, in fact, believe this will do the opposite to this nation. Trump’s policies threaten many of us in the Black, Latino, LGBTQIA+, Muslim, and other communities. These policies and type of speech has no place in this country, and certainly does not have a place in the city that Trump grew his empire in–a city known as a melting pot and home for many of the same people Trump continues to wage war on. Join us at Columbus Circle as we march to Trump Tower and say NO to hate, NO to divisiveness, NO to fascist policies, and most importantly, NO to Donald J. Trump.